Dutch asylum procedure

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Sexual orientation determination

asylum law
asylum law lawyer enschede
asylum lawyer overijssel
asylum law enschede
lawyer enschede asylum law
Applying for Dutch asylum
Determining one's sexual orientation can be a crucial issue in asylum cases. In the Netherlands, you can apply for asylum on the basis of your sexual orientation if you can prove that you are being persecuted in your home country because of your orientation. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) is responsible for reviewing asylum requests, including those based on sexual orientation.Derbedrosian Immigration Lawyers in Enschede and Overijssel is experienced in representing asylum seekers in the Netherlands, including those seeking asylum based on their sexual orientation. We understand the complexities of the Dutch asylum procedure and offer expert legal advice and guidance throughout the process.If you have questions about seeking asylum in the Netherlands based on your sexual orientation, the IND procedure, or need legal assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Derbedrosian Immigration Law Attorneys. We are ready to help you and protect your rights.

The Dutch asylum procedure, also known as the Dutch asylum procedure, is part of the Netherlands' immigration and asylum policy. This procedure is designed to assess whether individuals seeking refuge in the Netherlands because of imminent danger in their home country qualify for asylum and protection.

What is the Dutch asylum procedure (LGBTI & converts)?

The Dutch Asylum procedure, which specifically targets LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) asylum seekers and converts, was designed to address the particular challenges and risks that LGBT individuals and converts face in their countries of origin.

This special procedure provides asylum seekers with information about their rights and the asylum procedure in the Netherlands. In addition, they provide emotional support and guidance to LGBT asylum seekers, who are often dealing with traumatic experiences and fear of persecution. In addition, they can provide legal assistance and help prepare credible asylum statements that accurately reflect the asylum seeker's personal situation.

Sexual orientation determination

Because a person's sexual orientation cannot be verified through documents, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) gives asylum seekers extensive opportunities to talk about their sexual orientation or gender identity. During this important conversation, several topics are discussed, including the situation of LGBT people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons) in the country of origin.

The goal of this process is to ensure that asylum seekers who are persecuted, discriminated against or threatened because of their sexual orientation or gender identity receive the protection they need.


The IND assesses asylum seekers who qualify for a residence permit because of their sexual orientation within the Dutch asylum procedure. This assessment requires examination of statements and declarations regarding the asylum seeker's sexual orientation.

The IND employee reviewing the asylum seeker's case has to look closely at the things the asylum seeker says about their sexual orientation. This is difficult because sometimes it is hard to know if someone is telling the truth about their feelings and who they are.

To conduct this assessment fairly, the IND uses specific work instructions designed for cases where LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) orientation is invoked as a reason for asylum within the Dutch asylum procedure. These instructions contain guidelines and procedures to ensure that the assessment is conducted carefully and fairly, with particular attention to the complexity of such issues.

Asylum Procedure

This policy focuses on providing protection to individuals who are threatened if they return to their home countries.

  • Asylum application: this procedure begins when a person applies for asylum in the Netherlands. This can take place at the border, at an airport or at an asylum seekers' center. After the application is submitted, a thorough evaluation of the asylum seeker's situation begins.
  • Grounds of asylum application: first, the grounds for the asylum application are considered. These grounds can range from political persecution to discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation or religion. It is crucial that the asylum seeker provide detailed and honest information about their background and the risks they face in their country of origin.
  • Credibility assessment: In addition to investigating the reasons for the asylum application, interviews are conducted to assess the credibility of the asylum seeker's story. This process can take some time as it is very important to gain a thorough understanding of the person's situation.
  • Legal action: furthermore, legal steps are followed to ensure that the application is handled properly. Asylum seekers also have the opportunity to challenge decisions if they disagree with the outcome of their application. This can be done simply by filing a notice of objection that contains clear arguments as to why you disagree with the outcome.

Dutch asylum lawyer

The process of applying for asylum can be quite complicated. It involves many rules and laws that must be strictly adhered to. Therefore, it is wise to hire an experienced attorney.

The experienced lawyers of law firm der Bedrosian specialize in the asylum law and therefore can assist you in many ways can assist you in many ways

Furthermore, lawyers can let you know what your rights are. They can also prepare you for questions you can expect. If there are problems, lawyers can talk to the people who decide on asylum.

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