Traffic Criminal Law

Table of contents

traffic criminal lawyer driver's license seized driving under the influence penalty driving disqualification

lawyer traffic criminal law

driver's license confiscated
driving privileges revoked
drunk driving
Om-hearing driving privileges
traffic accidents injuries
lawyer criminal law overijssel
lawyer criminal law enschede
criminal law enschede
criminal lawyer enschede
driving under the influence of alcohol of a traffic offense traffic criminal law is a
In Enschede and Overijssel, the criminal lawyers at Derbedrosian Criminal Law Attorneys are here for you. Our attorneys in Enschede have extensive experience in criminal cases and specialize in traffic criminal law.When your driver's license has been revoked or impounded as a result of traffic violations, this can have significant legal consequences for your driving privileges. Traffic accidents with injuries can also lead to complex legal proceedings.It is critical to seek legal assistance in cases involving traffic criminal law, driver's license revocation or traffic accidents with injuries. Our lawyers in Enschede are here to advise you and represent your interests in these legal matters.If you are located in Enschede or elsewhere in Overijssel and need legal help regarding traffic criminal law or related issues, contact Derbedrosian Criminal Lawyers for professional assistance.

In this article, we explore traffic criminal law in the Netherlands, which focuses on offenses that occur on the road. The Netherlands is constantly on the move, and unfortunately this sometimes involves traffic offenses and accidents. Here you will find valuable information on the most common aspects of traffic criminal law. Whether you are dealing with confiscated licenses, drunk driving Or simply lost your driver's license.

What is traffic criminal law

Traffic criminal law refers to the area of law that deals with crimes that occur in traffic, especially on public roads and highways. It covers offenses and crimes related to traffic rules and the use of vehicles.

What is important to know is that traffic criminal law differs from civil traffic law, which focuses on liability and compensation for victims of traffic accidents. The purpose of traffic criminal law is to maintain public order and safety on the road through criminal prosecutions for offenses and crimes.

Driver's license recovered

The police may decide to confiscate your driver's license when your behavior poses serious risks to road safety. Below we have listed some of the situations in which your driver's license can be taken, among others.

  • Alchohol content: If your blood alcohol level exceeds 1.3 promille. There is a lower limit of 0.8 promille for novice drivers.
  • Refusal of breathalyzer test and blood test: When you refuse to cooperate with an alcohol test, such as a breathalyzer or blood test.
  • Dangerous driving: For dangerous driving behavior that endangers road safety.
  • Speed limit violation: If you drive 50 kilometers per hour or more above the applicable speed limit. For mopeds, this applies to speeding at 30 kilometers per hour or more.
  • Drug use: If you drive under the influence of drugs and exceed the established limits of 50 micrograms of amphetamine, 3 micrograms of cannabis, 20 micrograms of morphine, or 10 milligrams of GHB.

Understanding these situations is crucial to avoiding having your driver's license revoked and taking the appropriate steps quickly if it does happen. Our lawyers who specialize in traffic criminal law are ready to provide you with further legal assistance.

Driver's license lost

If you have lost your driver's license or it has been stolen, you must contact the municipality for a new one. You do not have to report it to the police, but it may take several business days before you receive your new driver's license.

It is important not to drive without a valid driver's license, as this will result in fines if the police stop you.

  • Driver's license not with you: If you have a driver's license but do not have it with you while driving, you risk a fine of 100 euros.
  • No driver's license: Driving a vehicle without a valid driver's license can lead to hefty fines, and even imprisonment for repeat offenses.

Traffic accidents

When a traffic accident occurs that injures or kills someone, the police initiate a criminal investigation to determine culpability. If you are called for questioning as a suspect, it is wise to seek the expertise of a specialized criminal lawyer to protect your legal rights.

In specific cases, such as rear-end collisions, the driver behind you may be held liable for injuries. If you have suffered injuries, such as whiplash, you are often entitled to compensation.

A traffic accident often involves a collision between cars, cyclists, or people walking. This can be very serious for the people involved in the accident. If someone is injured, it is smart to call the police. They will look into exactly what happened and if there were people who saw it. To handle the accident properly, it is important to tell them what happened in a clear way.

Om-hearing driving privileges

If a person is found guilty of a serious traffic offense, the right to drive a car may be temporarily revoked. This is also known as "disqualification from driving. It is important to know that not only a judge can decide this, but also a prosecutor can do this independently, without a judge's permission. In that case, you will receive an invitation to an interview with the Public Prosecutor's Office (OM). It is very important to seek advice with a criminal lawyer before participating in this conversation.

Even if you have received a letter stating that you must appear in court, it is smart to contact an attorney as soon as possible. That way, the lawyer can investigate whether there are any special circumstances that may affect your case.

Traffic criminal lawyer

Therefore, it is recommended that you present your case to an attorney who can help you with your defense and determine the next steps. Whether you have suffered personal injury or are experiencing other legal problems, do not hesitate to contact us for expert advice and assistance.

Our specialized lawyers of Der Bedrosian Law Firm have years of experience in criminal law and will use their knowledge to get the best result for you.m When you feel free to contact us, our attorneys will take steps to get your driver's license back.

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